LINGUIST List 5.1153

Thu 20 Oct 1994

FYI: Academic Programs, Cognitive Science Series, Altaic List

Editor for this issue: <>


  • irex, A request for assistance
  • Rob Stainton, Ottawa-Carleton Cognitive Science Series
  • "Reinhard, New List for Altaic

    Message 1: A request for assistance

    Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 15:50:59 -A request for assistance
    From: irex <>
    Subject: A request for assistance


    American scholars in the humanities and social sciences are encouraged to apply for the programs described below; eligibility requirements vary by program. Please contact IREX for further information on these and other programs.

    International Research & Exchanges Board 1616 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 Tel: (202) 628-8188 Fax: (202) 628-8189 E-mail: gopher:, port 70

    Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Application deadline: November 1, 1994

    Research placement and access for predoctoral and postdoctoral scholars at institutions in the host country for a period of 2-12 months. Regions: Baltic States, Central & Eastern Europe, Mongolia, Newly Independent States.

    Research Residencies Application deadline: November 1, 1994

    Research Residents spend 9-12 months in the host region/country pursuing individual research and improving language skills. IREX requires Research Residents to submit quarterly reports on developments in the local academic and policy communities. Regions: Albania, Baltic States, Croatia, Macedonia, Newly Independent States, Slovenia, Slovakia.

    Bulgarian Studies Seminar Application deadline: November 1, 1994

    One-month fellowships for American scholars wishing to improve their knowledge of the Bulgarian language and culture. The seminar, held in Sofia during the month of July, consists of lectures on Bulgarian language, history, culture, and literature. Topics vary each year to complement the needs and interests of each group of scholars. Region: Bulgaria.

    Special Projects in Library and Information Science Application deadline: January 15, 1995

    Opportunities for support of librarians, archivists, and information specialists pursuing projects relating to Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Regions: Baltic States, Central & Eastern Europe, Newly Independent States.

    Special Projects Application deadline: March 1, 1995

    Financial support for collaborative projects in the study of Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Proposals from all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences are welcome. All projects must involve American and non-American participants from one or more of the eligible countries. Regions: Baltic States, Central & Eastern Europe, Newly Independent States.

    Short-Term Travel Grants Application deadlines: February 1, 1995; and June 1, 1995

    IREX offers travel grants for scholarly projects focusing on Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, and Mongolia. Support is available for brief visits (1-2 weeks) for individuals who do not require administrative assistance from IREX. Regions: Baltic States, Central & Eastern Europe, Mongolia, Newly Independent States.

    US Host Universities for Graduate Students from Eurasia and the Baltics [Edmund S. Muskie and Freedom Support Act Fellows] Application Deadline: January 27, 1995

    These Fellowships are funded through the US Information Agency and administered by IREX and three other organizations to bring graduate students from the countries of Eurasia and the Baltics for one- and two-year, degree and non-degree programs in professional fields. IREX accepts proposals from US universities with masters-level programs in economics, journalism/mass communications, and library and information science to serve as host universities for approximately 90 fellows.

    Message 2: Ottawa-Carleton Cognitive Science Series

    Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 14:47:00 EDOttawa-Carleton Cognitive Science Series
    From: Rob Stainton <>
    Subject: Ottawa-Carleton Cognitive Science Series

    Ottawa-Carleton Joint Cognitive Science Distinguished Lecture Series Ottawa, Canada Fall 1994

    RAY JACKENDOFF Brandeis University

    "Lexical Insertion in a Post-Minimalist Theory of Grammar" Hosted by the Linguistics Department, University of Ottawa 2:30 p.m., October 27, 1994

    "How Language Helps Us Think" Hosted by Cognitive Science, Carleton University 10:00 a.m., October 28, 1994 Room 403 Southam Hall

    "Is There A Faculty of Social Cognition?" Hosted by the Philosophy Department, University of Ottawa 2:30 p.m., October 28, 1994

    TIM STOWELL University of California, Los Angeles

    "The Present Tense" Hosted by the Linguistics Department, University of Ottawa 2:30 p.m., November 24, 1994

    "Quantifier Scope" Hosted by Cognitive Science, Carleton University 10:00 a.m., November 25, 1994 Room 403 Southam Hall

    ADELE MERCIER Queen's University

    "A Perverse Case of the Contingent A Priori: The Logic of Emasculating Language" Hosted by the Philosophy Department, Carleton University 4:00 p.m., November 25, 1994 Room 406 Dunton Tower

    STEWART CANDLISH The University of Western Australia

    "Kinaesthetic Sensations and Epistemic Fantasy" Hosted by Cognitive Science and the Philosophy Department, Carleton University 4:00 p.m., December 2nd, 1994 Room 406 Dunton Tower

    Message 3: New List for Altaic

    Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 19:55:54 New List for Altaic
    From: "Reinhard <>
    Subject: New List for Altaic

    In early September 1994, following a fairly lively discussion about the Altaic Hypothesis on LINGUIST, I proposed the establishment of an electronic network specifically for persons interested in Altaic studies, and I asked for responses to my proposal. I received a good number of encouraging messages from LINGUIST subscribers and their acquaintances. Of these, 33 returned completed questionnaires to join the then envisaged informal launching group. I thank all of them for their responses and encouragement. Special thanks to those who took the trouble to send me personal messages and to those who forwarded my proposal to persons who do not subscribe to LINGUIST.

    I am now happy to announce the launching of AltaiNet, a "real" electronic list. The list is open to anyone interested in Altaic studies as specialists, as generalists or as "outsiders," as contributors or as observers. Subscribers are not required or expected to be "pro-Altaicist." While language and linguistics constitute the intended focus, information about Altaic-specific or -related history, geography, anthropology, art, literature, current affairs and other topics are certainly not unwelcome.


    AltaiNet is an electronic mail list devoted to communication about Altaic languages and linguistics. The list is automated using ListProcessor and is currently owned and moderated by Reinhard (Ron) Hahn at the University of Washington in Seattle, State of Washington, U.S.A. (

    Basic purposes of AltaiNet:

    - to facilitate global communication and exchange among those who are interested in Altaic languages and linguistics

    - to provide a forum for requesting, sharing and discussing information, ideas and opinions regarding any Altaic-related topic

    - to promote and facilitate research and teaching of languages considered Altaic

    - to promote the use of Altaic language data in non-Altaicist publications and research


    - Subscription to AltaiNet requires sending an e-mail message to with nothing more than the following message:

    subscribe AltaiNet {subscriber's name}

    for instance,

    subscribe AltaiNet Jane Doe

    - Removing one's own name from the list of AltaiNet subscribers requires sending an e-mail message to with nothing more than the following message:

    unsubscribe AltaiNet