LINGUIST List 5.346

Thu 24 Mar 1994

Qs: Dialectology, Morph universals, Ural-Altaic, Programs

Editor for this issue: <>


  • , Dialectology & Literacy
  • "Christopher J. Hall", Morphological Universals
  • Frederick Pagniello, Ural-Altaic and Basque
  • Richard Tuttle, Graduate programmes ...

    Message 1: Dialectology & Literacy

    Date: Thu, 24 Mar 1994 04:24:00 Dialectology & Literacy
    From: <>
    Subject: Dialectology & Literacy

    [This is a much revised repost of a query that appeared on sci.lang under the title "U.S. dialects & literacy". Many thanks to Alberto Pulido, Carlton Schuyler, Mark Rosenfelder, and especially Omar Stradella for their mail and postings which helped me refine my perception of the relationship of Spanish in the U.S. with broadcast and government print media.]

    My company is engaged in a project one of the purposes of which is to promote diversity in academe and business. I identify linguistic barriers as some of the most commonly reported excuses/reasons for discrimination. (Most notable for me are the complaints of undergraduates at the University of Utah that this-or-that graduate student, despite a demonstrated superior understanding of English language texts in the discipline, should not grade their mid-terms because of imperfect English speech.)

    In order to optimize the cost-benefit ratio of this project it is desireable that we be able to identify linguistic centers (in the post-modern sense) that are comprised of a large population of potential beneficiaries of our service. Identifying source and target lect populations in this context can be broken down into purely linguistic, sociolinguistic, and purely sociological aspects. For the purpose of this posting I would like to limit the query to that portion of the problem that is purely linguistic; and that is:

    What are the lects, in the U.S. and its trading partners, for which there are large literate populations (ranked)?

    So far, discussion of this issue with 3 sociologists, 2 ESL teachers, 1 PLUS teacher, and 3 reference librarians has netted me the following list of subject areas: Sociology Literacy Bilingualism Multiculturalism Languages ESL Dialectology Government documents More ESL U.S. Census

    Extensive searching of the catalogs and shelves of various libraries including 2 major universities has turned up very little information on this subject. For example: nearly all of the literacy texts are about U.S.- standard English (despite the 1977 Ann Arbor decision regarding BEV); the U.S. Census asks questions about speech only - not literacy - and it does not distinguish between dialects within a common language; dialectological studies, such as _The Linguistic Atlas of the Gulf States_ treat dialect phonetically instead of syntactically, there is no mention of literacy, and it would be difficult to project the lect-using populations from the findings despite its representative nature.

    So I ask (with hat in hand) for pointers to any documents that the subscribers to the list may know or introductions to persons who may have any information - even guesstimates - of populations. For example: a member of AIM who may know about tribal literacy programs, any member of the ADS who may know of dialectological studies that I have missed, etc.

    I am more than willing - I am eager - to summarize responses to the list. Of course, I am also ready to discuss the sociolinguistic aspects of this project with anyone who is interested.

    Thanks much,

    Clayton Gillespie Electra Software & Consulting (Minneapolis, MN)

    Message 2: Morphological Universals

    Date: Wed, 23 Mar 1994 12:19:21 Morphological Universals
    From: "Christopher J. Hall" <>
    Subject: Morphological Universals

    I am about to start work on an encyclopaedia article on cross-linguistic regularities in morphology and their explanations, especially potential universals that hold for all languages.

    I'd appreciate help from List subscribers in identifying areas of the topic that I might otherwise miss. I'm interested in candidate universals, bib. references, info. on relevant databases, etc. in all aspects of morphology, including: (i) formal synchronic processes (affixation, compounding, reduplication, cliticization, etc.); (ii) functional (semantic) typology (e.g. inflectional categories expressed); (iii) diachronic processes (e.g. grammaticization, lexicalization, etc.); (iv) psycholinguistic processes (acquisition, processing, representation); etc.

    I'll summarise if the responses seem of general interest.

    Christopher J. Hall Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Mexico ===========================================

    Message 3: Ural-Altaic and Basque

    Date: Wed, 23 Mar 94 19:21:57 ESUral-Altaic and Basque
    From: Frederick Pagniello <FPAGNIELUGA.CC.UGA.EDU>
    Subject: Ural-Altaic and Basque

    Could someone please point out a good comparative grammar dealing with the Ural-Altaic language family? I am engaged in a discussion at the moment but I lack a good reference. Also, a person claimed that it was finally shown that Basque is a member of the Caucasian language family, but he/she was unable to provide the source of the information. Is there validity to this? Could someone provide the journal where the article would have been published? Thankyou for your assistance. Frederick James Pagniello.

    Message 4: Graduate programmes ...

    Date: Wed, 23 Mar 1994 14:10:06 Graduate programmes ...
    From: Richard Tuttle <>
    Subject: Graduate programmes ...

    I am currently an undergraduate student in Linguistics and after taking quite a variety of linguistic courses, my major field of interest seems to lie in Historical/Comparative Linguistics (and palaeography), and I was wondering if anyone on the NET knows of some good graduate schools that I might consider applying to for the above named field(s). Thanks for your help in advance.

    Richard Tuttle