LINGUIST List 5.939

Wed 31 Aug 1994

Disc: Binary Comparison?

Editor for this issue: <>


  • Scott C DeLancey, Binary Comparison (ref. 5.935 Altaic)

    Message 1: Binary Comparison (ref. 5.935 Altaic)

    Date: Wed, 31 Aug 1994 12:16:58 Binary Comparison (ref. 5.935 Altaic)
    From: Scott C DeLancey <>
    Subject: Binary Comparison (ref. 5.935 Altaic)

    In a very interesting post on Altaic, Alexis Manaster-Ramer <> writes:

    > Prof. Vovin is quite right is pointing out that some of the > traditional anti-Altaicists, so called, have adopted the > surprising position that only binary comparison (2 languages > at a time) is permitted. This point should perhaps be > pursued because it seems to be rearing its head > in some critiques of Amerind and Nostratic as well.

    I have to wonder what specific suggestions are being referred to here. There may sometimes be a practical argument made to the effect that comparison of fewer languages is a more manageable task than comparison of many. This is obviously true, although it is also certainly true that comparison of all languages or subgroups in a hypothetical genetic grouping, if it can be done properly, will be ultimately more productive than comparison limited to arbitrary pairings of languages. (The caveat about being done properly is crucial; Greenberg's _Language In the Americas_ is notoriously full of examples of what can happen when an investigator attempts to compare more data than (s)he can adequately control). But is anyone seriously suggesting as a methodological principle that comparative linguistics must proceed by a succession of binary comparisons? If so, who, and on what grounds?

    Scott DeLancey Department of Linguistics University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403, USA