LINGUIST List 5.960

Mon 05 Sep 1994

Disc: Altaic: Proposed Network

Editor for this issue: <>


  • "Reinhard, Altaic

    Message 1: Altaic

    Date: Mon, 5 Sep 1994 17:41:12 -Altaic
    From: "Reinhard <>
    Subject: Altaic

    There has been talk of a "turning tide" and a "reemergence of interest" in the course of our discussion about the Altaic Hypothesis. Now that the public part of our discussion seems to be dying down, it might be a good time to try and gauge the extent and depth of interest in Altaic linguistics "out there," starting with people who have access to e-mail. I am proposing a networking attempt with the ultimate aim of linking as many people interested in Altaic linguistics as possible. This may eventually result in a number of specialist discussion groups as well as in a general group, formal or informal, public or private.

    To get the ball rolling, I am willing to compile a general list of interested persons. I will distribute the list (with periodical updates) only to those who wish to be listed themselves. To assure the highest possible level of anonymity and discretion, I will only enter people's names, e-mail addresses, interests and language specializations. If you wish to be a part of the network, please "fill out" the following and return it to by September 30, 1994 (at which time I hope to finalize and send out the first version of the list). Any suggestions are welcome.